Carers Rights Day 2023

Today is Carers Rights Day!

It brings organisations across the UK together to help carers in their local community find out how to get the help and support they are entitled to.

Disability Huntingdon (DISH) is proud to support carers through accessing relevant benefits they or their cared-for are entitled.

DISH has been recognised for its carer support by being awarded the Carer Friendly Tick Award for Communities and Employers categories.

If you are a carer and would like us to help you with your Carers Allowance, make a referral.

You can find resources on your Carers Rights below.

Carers UK
National charity providing a wealth of advice and support resources for carers.
Find out more
Carers Trust
A national charity that supports carers through its network of partner organisations.
Find out more
Caring Together
Provides help and advice for unpaid carers in Cambridgeshire.
Find out more