Exciting New Animation Video Launched

We are pleased to announce the release of our new animation video. This video explains who we are, the support we can provide and how to make a referral.

This animation was made possible through the generous funding from Huntingdonshire District Council‘s Community Chest and brought to life by the talented team at King Bee Animation.

Tracy Hyland, Chief Executive of Disability Huntingdonshire, said:

“I am delighted to introduce our new animation, developed by King Bee Animations, and supported with funding from Huntingdonshire District Council Community Chest. We made the film to explain who we are, what we do and how you can access support from our wonderful team.”

Martyn Niman, Managing Director of King Bee, commented:

“King Bee had the pleasure of working with Dish to create this friendly and clear animated video to help walk through the steps in making a referral. We hope it helps give clarity and reassurance and is well received!”

Awareness Sessions

We are holding 30-minute online awareness sessions for organisations to discover more about the support we provide. Visit our events page for upcoming dates and how to book.

Image still from animation showing picture frame on wall with smiling animated people.